Jason Chuang
Chiao Tung University
Dept. of Arete
Excellent mathematics, ability to surpass peers.
Reward record
- 2014FLL National competition Best Popularity Award
- 2014WRO Football Third place in the inter-school competition
- 2014WRO Football Third place in the National competition
- 2014WRO Football Fifith place in the World competition
- 2015WRO Football Third place in the inter-school competition
- 2015WRO Football Second place in the National competition
- 2015WRO Football Sixth place in the World competition
- 2017 National Skill Competition Robot program Second place
- 2017 National Skill Competition Robot program Fouth place
- 2018WRO ARC Second place in the World competition
Programming platform
- LEGO Mindstorm、Ni MyRio、KNRm
- LabVIEW、C++、C x Atmega8
- Machine Learning、Artificial Intelligence research
- LEGO Education Academy,Level C and B technician for computer hardware fabrication
- WRO football team omni wheel mechanism development and formula derivation.
- Professional LabVIEW developer.